
This tab offers configuration options for the storages Event Gallery can use.


Depending on your server, you want to tune the parallel requests and the batch size for syncing the database and creating thumbnails.

  • Sync Database

    • Batch Size

      If you use the sync database process in a browser, Event Gallery will sync all files to check for metadata. This happens by sending a snyc request for the file to the server. This option allows to configure, how many files a single request can sync at once. If you encounter errors during the file sync, you should try to decrease that number since your server might be too slow. Default is 25.

    • Parallel Requests

      You can speed up the processing by execution multiple requests in parallel. Your browser support mostly up to 4 requests in parallel. Don’t use more, this will only block your browser. For slower servers, reduce this number to 1.

  • Thumbnail Generator

    • Batch Size

      Per default, 5 images are processed with a single request. If you have a fast server, you can increase this value to minimize the time waste for creating a new request. On slower servers, decrease the value to reduce the server load.

    • Parallel Requests

      You can speed up the processing by execution multiple requests in parallel. Your browser support mostly up to 4 requests in parallel. Don’t use more, this will only block your browser. For slower servers, reduce this number to 1.

Amazon S3 Configuration
  • S3Endpoint

    This should be empty if you use AWS S3. But if you want to use services like Wasabi which use a different endpoint, add it here. If this value is empty, is the endpoint which will be used to communicate with the S3 buckets and to create links to thumbnails.

  • S3 Region

    Defines the region in which you stored your buckets. Example: us-west-2

  • S3 Key

    The first part of your Amazon credentials.

  • S3 Secret

    The second part of your Amazon credentials.

  • S3 bucket

    The name of the bucket you stored your original image files in. The bucket need in the region specified above.

  • S3 bucket thumbnails

    The name of the bucket you want to use for the generated thumbnails. Make sure the bucket name does not contain dots. The bucket need in the region specified above.

  • Cloundfront Domain

    Specify the domain you use to route the files through Cloudfront. Example:

All prices include VAT. The gross price will vary depending on the selected shipping country.