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#3423 CSS class in checkout view form

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 03 February 2019 18:55 UTC

 Hi Sven,

I'm styling the checkout view and I believe that I've might found a little bug.

In the file checkkout/change.php you are using the class "form-horizontal" and the in loaded fieldsets the class "control-group" and "control". This leads me to believe that your goal is to use the Booststrap Horizontal Form Style.

Bu we're not getting the exact style in the Boostrap documentation. Attached you will find two screenshots: one with the correct design and another with the correct design.

To get the correct design, I had to add (with Dev Tools) the class "control-label" to the label element loaded with
 echo $field->label;

Is there a way to customize the aoutput of
echo $field->label;
echo $field->input;
without hacking/changing Eventgallery's core?

Can you please tell me what file to use to change the output of
echo $field->label;
if the only way to change this behavior is to change Eventgallery's core?

Thank you

No need to do modifications. I'll fix this. The form definition is the right place for this. Joomla renders those form elements and needs just an additional attribute.


 <field name="billing_address1"
               class="input-xlarge billing-address"

This fix is part of the next release.

Hi Sven,

Thank you. I'll be then waiting for the next release.

I uploaded a new build to the dev download area. If you like, you can check it out.