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#4717 Must the images/eventgallery be kept?

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Wednesday, 05 June 2024 05:06 UTC


When a new event is created and photos uploaded, it appears that the upload affects two folders:




Am I right in assuming that the uploaded files are placed in a folder insider of images/eventgallery, and that the upload process creates a corresponding folder within eventgallery_generated, and that the folders within the upload folder (within images/eventgallery) are then no longer needed.  In other words, can I erase the contents of images/eventgallery?



Hi Wilbur, 

please keep those images. There are two reasons:

  • your site creates thumbnails on demand and only those which are requested by visitors. The generated-folder exists after the upload only because the upload shows a thumbnail of the uploaded file. 
  • the original images are required to reload metadata and to sync between filesystem and database. If you delete them, your events will end up empty.